One-wheel - Smiles for miles


Which Onewheel is right for you?

"This little ripper hits the sweet spot between price, performance, and practicality"

Balance. That's what world-class Highliner and Onewheel Flow State Ambassador Ryan Robinson wanted to talk about when we spent a few days with him in Northern California. It just wasn't the balance we expected.
That morning he graced the home page of CNN as we drank coffee and watched a video of him walking a line above the clouds in Brazil. Ryan has highlined all over the world, occupying spaces that only very few people on this planet will ever experience.
For context, there are more NFL Quarterbacks than professional Highliners. So how does someone pioneer a sport and manifest this unlikely livelihood? For Ryan, the catalyst was a 'successful' desk job that forced him to realize that he wasn't living the inspired life he knew he should. 




Take it on the bus, set it next to you at the coffee shop or stash it under your desk.


Outfitted with an integrated Maghandle, take this fun-sized stoke machine to go.

It's lit.

Pint features Lightbar integrated into the front footpad for sense pad indication, battery monitoring and in-ride alerts. Plus it looks sick :)

Get going quick.

Stick the landing. Pint features Simplestop dismount technology, enabling new riders to learn to ride quickly and feel confident.


The ultimate ride in fun-size!


Double the Range Double the freedom


BILLYKITE.BE -  The Original Kiteshop from Brussels

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